Neural Map: Structured Memory for Deep Reinforcement Learning

Ruslan Salakhutdinov(professor of computer science at the Carnegie Mellon University and director of AI research at Apple)의 (세미나)를 요약 정리해보았다.

Supervised Learning

  • Most deep learning problems are posed as supervised learning problems: mapping and input to to an output
    대부분의 문제는 지도학습(입력을 출력으로 mapping)으로 정의한다.
  • Environment is typically static
    문제환경은 대부분 정적이다.
  • Typically, outputs are assumed to be independent of each other
    보통, 출력들은 서로 독립적이라고 가정한다.

Environments for RL

  • Environments are dynamic and change over time
    환경은 동적이며 시간이 지남에 따라 변한다.
  • Actions can affect the environment with arbitrary time lags
    Action은 현재뿐만 아니라 이후의 시간에도 영향을 끼친다
  • labels can be expensive of difficult to obtain
    label(reward)를 얻기가 힘들다.

Reinforcement Learning

  • Instead of a label, the agent is provided with a reward signal:
    • High reward == good behavior
  • RL produces policies
    • Map observations to actions
    • Maximize long-term reward
  • Allows learning purposeful behaviors in dynamic environments

Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • Use a deep network to parameterize the policy
  • Adap parameters to maximize reward using:
    • Q-learning
    • Actor-Critic
    • Evolution Strategies

Deep Reinforcement Learning with Memory

  • Can we learn an agent with a more advanced external memory
    • Neural Turing Machine
    • Differential Neural Computers
  • Challenge: Memory Systems are difficult to train, especially using RL

Why is Memory Challenging?

  • Suppose an agent is in a simple random maze:
    • Agent starts at top of map
    • An agent is shown an indicator near its initial state
    • The color of the indicator determines what the correct goal is
  • At the start, no a priori knowledge to store color into memory
  • The folowing must hold:
    • Write color to memory at the start of maze
    • Never overwrite memory of the color over T times steps
    • Find and enter the goal
  • Solution: Write everything into memory

Memory Networks

  • Store(key, value) representations for the last M frames

  • At each time step:
    • Perform a read operation over their memory databse
    • Write the latest percept into memory
    • Easy to learn: Just store as much as possible!
  • Can be inefficient:
    • We need M> time horizon of the task (can’t know this a prior)
    • We might store a lot of useless/redundant data
  • Time/space requirements increase with M